Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oops, don't you hate it when you arrive late to movie and you have missed the beginning...well, you didn't miss the beginning here because I DIDN'T WRITE IT! So, let me begin by saying that I have never, ever written a blog before but I really wanted a way to track both my school life and the anecdotes of my three fabulous children at home and my 29 cuties in my classroom. This is my way to chronicle life's ups and downs, the humor that only children (be they 8 or 18) can bring to your life, and share my day with all the wonderful children that I have been blessed to share each and every day with! A BIG SHOUT OUT to Kimberly for inspiring me, humouring me and being my techie (you rock!!!) TH
I can't believe that spring break has come and gone! How can 9 days go by so quickly!!!! I know that I will have 29 smiling faces waiting at my door tomorrow, mostly smiling, I'm sure there will be a few that greet me with enormous yawns (but I won't take that personally) because my night owls won't have gotten use to their early morning routine YET.

This year is flying by with record speed, only 9 weeks left before my little nest of falcons fly off to the BIG TIME in 6th grade, and my little Val becomes a graduate of high school. I can't remember who said it but that quote is a good one I think "Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." and this year has been well spent by both Valerie and my class of cuties too!

Well, everyone at my house is settling in for the night, which means I need to get busy preparing for the upcoming week of learning. SWEET DREAMS :)